Learn how your voice could be the key to living with passion purpose and fulfillment

SOME of what you will learn:


Key 1

How to live a fulfilled purposeful life.


Key 2

how the life you have already lived is key to living the life you want to live


Key 3

How you can create finances from just speaking about your life.

meet the host

Miles Brown is a speaker, entrepreneur, and a minister, who desires to help as many people as he can.

The first time he ever tried to speak, he got anxious, and he couldn't do it. He was supposed to teach, but he just couldn't get the words out.

Since then, he's spoken at schools, on podcast, in churches, business events and more. Since learning the power and possibilities that come with speaking, Miles is now sharing what he's learned to help others see their impact, influence, and even income grow.

He has done this for entrepreneurs in the past, but it is time that the people of the church learn how they can truly impact lives even when people are not in the church! And by impacting lives there is real financial opportunity. If anyone deserves these perks, it is the people of the church.

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Take Christ With You Everywhere

You Can share your testimony anywhere even business event like I did here

We all have a testimony and if you are willing, you can share it in all kinds of places. Above I Was at a business event titled "Pretty Girls Don't Work" for lady entrepreneurs. Even in the midst of helping people make more money, you can tell them to run to and lean on Jesus! I got paid to fly there and speak to those ladies, and I want you to have the same experiences.